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Article Summary:

Discover how to use Emotional Freedom Techniques or EFT/Tapping for anxiety, OCD, trauma, and more. We'll dive into how it works and how to use EFT the right way!

Discover how to use Emotional Freedom Techniques or EFT/Tapping for anxiety, OCD, trauma, and more. We'll dive into how it works and how to use EFT the right way!

Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT), also known as Tapping or EFT Tapping, has been described as "one of the most successful psychology self-help techniques ever developed. "

This sentiment holds true for millions of people around the world who practice EFT, including licensed therapists, psychologists, doctors, and other respected healthcare professionals.

EFT/Tapping has become increasingly popular over the past few years for use on a vast number of issues, from anxiety to pain, guilt, and trauma to better performance in sports and business.

If you're new to EFT/Tapping and want to better understand how it works and how to use Tapping for anxiety, you've come to the right place.

If you think this whole Emotional Freedom Techniques "stuff" is just too "woo-woo," or you've tried some Tapping after watching a YouTube video and determined it didn't work, I urge you to read through this article.

Keep an open mind and try what I will discuss and see for yourself.

Many "Tapping" videos and articles online show tapping for anxiety and other issues that are simply incorrect, overly exaggerated, or taught by someone who doesn't fully understand how EFT works.

There is a lot of misinformation out there on EFT and a lot of exaggerated claims.

In addition to showing you how to get started with EFT/Tapping and, more specifically, how to use EFT/Tapping for anxiety and other issues, I'll also clear up the misinformation, explain what to expect, and show you how to use Emotional Freedom Techniques the right way!

There is more to Tapping than just "tapping;" it can be a truly effective form of therapy if used correctly.

So, let's get you started...

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What is EFT/Tapping and How Does It Work?

Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) or Tapping is a form of energy psychology (or mind/body therapy if you prefer) created by Gary Craig that has become an increasingly popular set of techniques used to overcome various physical and emotional issues.

EFT involves working through negative emotions, memories, or physical symptoms by focusing on a specific issue while tapping meridian or acupressure points.

These points (typically 9 points, although there are other points sometimes used) are based on the Chinese meridian system, which is also used in acupuncture.

The points used in EFT/Tapping are specifically chosen for their ability to calm the nervous system and down-regulate the amygdala – which if you've read our article "THE Guide to How Anxiety Works," you'll remember the amygdala is responsible for the "fight-or-flight" response and overall levels of fear/threat.

EFT operates under the assumption that ALL physical and psychological problems result from unresolved emotional issues.

When tapping on these points while focusing on the problem you are addressing, you can neutralize (and often release) the "charge" or negative hold the emotion or memory has on your current state.

This neutralization of negative emotions and memories is often done quickly and gently without the need to rehash past problems over and over again.

Standard therapies often try to release the emotional impact of an event by talking about it, changing thoughts and thought patterns, or repeated exposure to an anxiety-producing situation.

Working with more severe issues can often take months or even years and A LOT of work to see permanent results with standard talk therapy.

EFT releases (neutralizes) this emotional impact often within a few short sessions, or for more mild issues, within minutes.

An Example of How EFT/Tapping Works

Let's use an example to see how this would play out and why neutralizing negative emotions or memories is a powerful way to overcome anxiety, trauma, and other issues.

We all have situations, past events, or images we imagine that instantly create feelings of tension, anxiety, or fear.

Let's say you fear dogs based on a childhood memory of a dog that bit you as a child. Even imagining being close to a dog elicits anxiety and fear.

If you were to thoroughly "tap" on this issue (as we will discuss how to do below), you could neutralize the feelings around the memory (i.e., anxiety, fear). It would either drop out of the mind or remain a memory but no longer have the negative charge.

So, instead of instantly recalling the memory of the dog biting you as a child whenever you are around a dog in the present, which kick starts fear and anxiety, your reaction is neutral.

There is no longer a fear-based charge to the memory.

Free of the associated fear, the memory no longer automatically activates the amygdala, which means there is no longer a flood of stress hormones and adrenaline, which means no more fear and anxiety.

And the results can be permanent if done correctly.

Sounds pretty incredible, right?

If you're still thinking about how crazy this all sounds or think EFT sounds weird or "woo-woo," you're right; it is pretty strange, but it works.

Just a few decades ago, here in the West, meditation, mindfulness, and yoga were thought of as weird or something only for "hippies." Now, it's accepted and promoted among therapists and the medical community.

Whole therapies have been built around mindfulness concepts, and more and more traditional therapists are adopting aspects of mindfulness and yoga into their practice.

The same goes for acupuncture. Once weird or "new age" – now recommended by doctors as an alternative to pain meds for pain management.

Give it time.

EFT is already working its way into the mainstream and the medical community.

Therapists and doctors have begun using or recommending EFT/Tapping for anxiety, pain, PTSD, and other issues.

So, the "new age," "woo-woo" viewpoint is quickly replaced with a more accepted, scientifically proven clinical approach.

The Research on EFT

If you're a skeptic, that's entirely understandable. I was the same way when I first heard of EFT.

I chalked it up to another fad that would quickly go the way of other ineffective fake techniques.

I became a believer only after I learned more about it and, more importantly, began using it.

I believed in its effectiveness so much that I took professional training courses in EFT, attended seminars, and began practicing with others.

You don't have to completely buy into EFT or energy psychology for it to work.

But keep an open mind and try it for yourself.

Everything we promote, recommend, and teach at Profound Anxiety Solutions has been proven effective in scientific studies, and EFT is no exception

At the bottom of this article, you will find a "Resources" section with links to this research and many other studies.

Here are a few highlights of recent research on EFT/Tapping...

Possibly the most impressive study is this one – which compares the results of EFT/Tapping to CBT:

A large-scale study of 5,000 patients over five years compared the results of EFT/Tapping (without medication) versus CBT (with medication if needed), and the results were astounding:

  • They found 90% of patients reported improvement who received the EFT/Tapping therapy versus 63% who received CBT
  • Only 3 Tapping sessions were needed to reduce anxiety versus 15 sessions for CBT
  • Complete relief of symptoms was seen in 76% of patients who used Tapping therapy versus 51% in the CBT group
  • One year later, improvements were maintained among 78% of patients in the Tapping group versus 69% in the CBT group

Additional research:

  • There are currently more than 100 peer-reviewed published studies and 43 Random Controlled Trials on EFT; 98% were found to have positive effects
  • In 2017, the U.S. Veterans Administration accepted EFT as a safe form of therapy
  • Studies have shown a 43% decrease in the stress hormone Cortisol after using EFT/Tapping
  • EFT has been shown to produce real positive biological changes in the brain and body measured by EEG brain scans, fMRI and MRIs, and blood and saliva testing
  • EFT research has shown significant improvements in anxiety, pain, PTSD, depression, and cravings
  • Across the board, the average reduction in anxiety is between 40% and 53% for less than 5 EFT/Tapping sessions

What Can EFT Be Used For?

One of the most impressive things about EFT and Tapping is that you can apply it to nearly any physical or emotional issue.

We will describe exactly how to use EFT/Tapping for anxiety and OCD, Trauma, and Pain later in this article. But Emotional Freedom Techniques is not strictly limited to these issues.

Below is a short list of common problems EFT has been known to work for effectively.

Note: You can tap to take the "edge off" anytime. It can help take the edge off before facing issues that are otherwise hard to deal with.

Common Issues EFT Has Been Shown to Help

  • Anxiety
  • Physical Aches & Pains
  • Cravings
  • Smoking Cessation
  • Insomnia
  • OCD
  • Depression
  • PTSD
  • Traumatic Memories
  • Stress
  • Autoimmune Diseases

Different Forms of EFT and Tapping

Before discussing the different forms of EFT, let's clarify the key terms people often use for these techniques.

Emotional Freedom Techniques, EFT, Tapping, and EFT Tapping are often thrown around interchangeably or in different contexts, which can confuse those new to these techniques.

To be clear, all of these terms refer to the same thing; whether it's referred to as "Tapping" or "EFT Tapping" or "EFT" doesn't matter.

Some teachers and programs tend to use one term over the other exclusively. Still, they are all based on the same original Emotional Freedom Techniques.

In my experience, the more mainstream the teaching, such as the "Tapping Solution" by Nick Ortner or many of the YouTube videos available, the more it tends to be referred to as "Tapping."

The more clinical, professional, or closer to the original EFT teaching of Gary Craig, the more likely they will use the term EFT.

But this isn't a hard and fast rule; many teachers simply use the terms interchangeably.

As far as the different forms of EFT/Tapping and EFT programs – there are many.

Rather than list every program or teaching out there or compare and contrast the different nuisances between them, I'll provide a few of the ones I believe to be good options for most people.

I'll also provide a shortlist of resources and EFT programs at the end of this article if you want to look into them for yourself.

EFT Online Courses Worth Checking Out

Gold Standard (Official) EFT Tutorial ( this is the original EFT training by the founder of EFT, Gary Craig; it's still free and remains one of the best tutorials available

EFT Universe: The Tapping Course ( online EFT/Tapping course by respected teacher Dawson Church, PhD; Dawson has helped publish many scientific studies on EFT and helped to establish EFT as a more respected scientifically proven approach to therapy

EFT Professional Skills 1 ( if you're a professional in the healthcare field looking for certification and training in EFT, I highly recommend this training provided by ACEP; they offer live training where you can practice with other students; you can also earn 14 CE hours for the training; ACEP is approved by the American Psychological Association

The Truth About EFT & Online Tutorials: What to Really Expect With EFT/Tapping

EFT/Tapping is highly effective for all types of issues, including anxiety, OCD, Trauma, and pain, often working where nothing else worked before.

EFT can also provide results faster than nearly anything else I've come across…

But is it a magic cure for every ailment or issue?


Will it permanently cure you of anxiety or pain in a matter of minutes?

If you're doing it on your own and you're just starting – most likely not.

Can EFT/Tapping help you overcome anxiety and other issues when properly used and understood?


I believe EFT (used correctly) is one of the most powerful techniques for overcoming anxiety and negative emotional and mental patterns

EFT has to be used in the right way to achieve real results...

There are 3 essential factors that will contribute to the effectiveness of EFT:

  • 1. How EFT is applied (the process): This includes the training and how EFT is applied to particular issues
  • 2. Going deeper with the work: While quick fixes and short-term relief are fantastic, simply working on surface-level symptoms is unlikely to provide profound, long-lasting improvements. You must go deeper into the core issues and release the underlying energy held in the body and nervous system
  • 3. Doing the work: You must do the work to achieve results. For deeper issues such as Trauma, the help of a trained EFT specialist or EFT therapist may be necessary

What about the many video tutorials on YouTube or online EFT courses and programs?

While watching a 10-minute Tapping video on YouTube may provide some relief, as mentioned above, deeper work is required to see permanent results.

This "deeper work" approach applies to paid EFT/Tapping courses and programs.

Any course or video that only focuses on surface-level issues or broad areas such as "stress relief" or "feeling good" or general issues like "worry" will only provide surface-level results.

Ultimately, the core issues, underlying emotions, and energy will not be fully resolved and will eventually return.

Lastly, to be 100% honest and transparent, you do not need to pay for training in EFT or buy some highly touted expensive EFT/Tapping program to learn how to use EFT/Tapping for anxiety or other issues.

The process laid out in this article is more than enough to get you started and see actual results.

But we can only go so deep in one article.

To truly overcome anxiety and other issues, you need to do some work and uncover the root underlying emotions/memories so you can work on the issue at its core.

You can practice and go deeper on your own or deepen your understanding of EFT with online training.

The founder of EFT, Gary Craig, provides his Gold Standard EFT training free of charge.

Every paid course or program available is essentially a spinoff of his core teachings.

Gold Standard EFT is primarily presented in long-form text format. It isn't necessarily a step-by-step program but provides everything you need.

The presentation of the material aside, it remains one of the best EFT trainings available online, and it's free.

If you are looking more for a step-by-step guide presented in an online video course format, a paid online program such as "The Tapping Course" may be a better fit.

Whichever route you choose is up to you, but be aware that everything you need to know is free online if you have the time and desire to learn it.

You can get started with this guide and then dig into Gary's free training, or if you prefer a more step-by-step online course format, you can check out the Tapping Course mentioned above.

For dealing with traumatic memories or experiences, it may be best to work directly with someone professionally trained in EFT who can gently guide you through the process.

Digging into traumatic memories alone when starting with EFT is not a good idea.

Caution: Before You Begin

If you are currently under the care of a mental health professional and/or take prescription medication, we suggest discussing EFT with your doctor/psychiatrist before starting. While EFT/Tapping can be very effective and work quickly, you should under no circumstances discontinue medication without the advice/help from your doctor. The advice given in this article is in no way meant to be taken as medical advice or substitute for the advice of a medical professional. This article is for informational purposes only.

Tapping Basics: How to Get Started

So, let's jump into how to use EFT/Tapping for anxiety.

The basic procedure for EFT involves 5 steps. We will go over each one quickly now.

Step 1: Identify the Issue

To begin, identify the issue you want to work on.

Focus on one problem at a time and make it specific.

An issue such as "this anxiety" is too broad. While you can receive some benefit from tapping on general issues like "this anxiety," you will make much better progress if you focus on specifics.

For example, "this tightness in my chest when my daughter borrows the car" would be an excellent specific issue to work on.

Step 1a: Break the Issue Down

If the issue you have identified is complex, break it down into specific aspects and focus on one element at a time.

Using the example above, let's say you decide to work on "this anxiety."

Since the issue is too broad, you can break it down into specific instances that cause you anxiety.

You decide that your daughter borrowing the car is one of the most anxiety-producing situations for you right now.

Rather than work on "this anxiety when my daughter borrows the car," you can break it down further into all the different aspects of the situation.

The aspects you work out are: "My heart races," "I worry she will get into an accident on the way home," and "I get tightness in my chest."

You decide to work on one particular element at a time; you choose "this tightness in my chest when my daughter borrows the car."

Step 2: Check the SUDS Level

Once you have identified a specific issue or aspect, you want to check the current intensity of the problem.

You can measure this intensity using SUDS or Subjective Units of Distress.

SUDS is a scale from 0-10 commonly used in many forms of therapy.

You can use this 0-10 scale to rate your current level of distress, pain, or discomfort in whatever form it takes, with 0 being no intensity at all or completely neutral (which is where you want to be after tapping) and 10 being severely intense.

For emotional issues, bring the memory or related thoughts into your mind as deeply as possible and assess the current level of discomfort/intensity.

How intense is the emotion when you vividly bring the issue/memory to mind?

For physical issues, you would assess the current level of discomfort for the particular physical ailment.

What level of pain do you feel in that specific area right now?

Again, using the example above ("this tightness in my chest when my daughter borrows the car"), you would imagine that moment right before you experience tightness in your chest when your daughter borrows the car. It could be immediately after you hand over the keys or when she pulls out of the driveway.

Choose whatever part of the situation triggers the issue for you.

After vividly imagining the scenario, you have determined that "this tightness in my chest when my daughter borrows the car" is currently an 8 on the SUDS scale.

Step 3: The Setup Statement

Each round of Tapping begins with the setup statement.

The setup statement is used to acknowledge the problem while accepting yourself despite the present issue.

The actual statement goes like this:

"Even though I have this ______________, I deeply and completely accept myself. "

The blank will be the specific issue you identified in the first step.

So, for example:

"Even though I have this tightness in my chest when my daughter borrows the car, I deeply and completely accept myself."

As you state the Setup Statement, you tap on the "Karate Chop" point with 3 or 4 fingers.

The Karate Chop (KC) point is located on the side of the hand where you would perform a karate chop, between the pinky joint and the wrist.

As you say the Setup Statement, you tap on the KC point.

Stating your setup statement while tapping on the KC point is proper setup before we begin the Tapping Sequence.

tapping karate chop point

Step 4: The Tapping Sequence

Each round of Tapping begins with the setup statement.

The setup statement is used to acknowledge the problem while accepting yourself despite the present issue.

The actual statement goes like this:

"Even though I have this ______________, I deeply and completely accept myself. "

The blank will be the specific issue you identified in the first step.

So, for example:

"Even though I have this tightness in my chest when my daughter borrows the car, I deeply and completely accept myself."

As you state the Setup Statement, you tap on the "Karate Chop" point with 3 or 4 fingers.

The Karate Chop (KC) point is located on the side of the hand where you would perform a karate chop, between the pinky joint and the wrist.

As you say the Setup Statement, you tap on the KC point.

Stating your setup statement while tapping on the KC point is proper setup before we begin the Tapping Sequence.

EFT Tapping Points

After making the Setup Statement while tapping on the Karate Chop (KC) point, you will begin the actual tapping sequence.

Starting with the 1st point at the Top of the Head and working your way down – ending with the point under the arm.

Tapping is typically done using 2 to 3 fingers to tap on each point while stating the Reminder Phrase one time at each point.

(If desired, use 4 or 5 fingers for larger areas, such as the top of the head and collarbone.)

Each point is tapped several times before moving to the next point - long enough to state the Reminder Phrase clearly.

When I tap, I don't typically tap each spot a specific number of times, but it's generally between 5-10 taps before moving to the next point.

Tapping can be done on either side of the body using one hand or on both sides of the body simultaneously using two hands.

Step 5: Reaccess the SUDS & Test

Each round of Tapping begins with the setup statement.

The setup statement is used to acknowledge the problem while accepting yourself despite the present issue.

The actual statement goes like this:

"Even though I have this ______________, I deeply and completely accept myself. "

The blank will be the specific issue you identified in the first step.

So, for example:

"Even though I have this tightness in my chest when my daughter borrows the car, I deeply and completely accept myself."

As you state the Setup Statement, you tap on the "Karate Chop" point with 3 or 4 fingers.

The Karate Chop (KC) point is located on the side of the hand where you would perform a karate chop, between the pinky joint and the wrist.

As you say the Setup Statement, you tap on the KC point.

Stating your setup statement while tapping on the KC point is proper setup before we begin the Tapping Sequence.

EFT Tapping Demo

Now that you have a solid explanation of the EFT/Tapping process from start to finish, let's see a brief demonstration to better understand what the process looks like.

While the process may seem complicated in writing, seeing it in action can help you understand how simple it is.

The video below is courtesy of Gary Craig, founder of EFT (

Applying EFT/Tapping to Different Types of Problems

One of the most significant advantages of EFT and Tapping is that you can apply it to nearly any emotional or physical issue.

EFT is extremely fast, efficient, effective, and gentle.

I've already laid out the basics and how to get started above.

The 5 step process provided is the same process you would use for any issue you want to address.

It doesn't matter if the issue you are working on is physical or emotional- the basic process remains the same.

That said, we recommend different approaches and strategies for various issues you choose to work on.

The main difference boils down to where you place your focus.

Because the core process (the 5-Step process outlined above) is the same no matter your issue, I'll lay out where to focus and how to move along to receive more permanent results.

Applying EFT/Tapping to Specific Types of Problems

One of the most significant advantages of EFT and Tapping is that you can apply it to nearly any emotional or physical issue.

EFT is extremely fast, efficient, effective, and gentle.

I've already laid out the basics and how to get started above.

The 5 step process provided is the same process you would use for any issue you want to address.

It doesn't matter if the issue you are working on is physical or emotional- the basic process remains the same.

That said, we recommend different approaches and strategies for various issues you choose to work on.

The main difference boils down to where you place your focus.

Because the core process (the 5-Step process outlined above) is the same no matter your issue, I'll lay out where to focus and how to move along to receive more permanent results.

How to Use EFT/Tapping for Anxiety

EFT/Tapping is highly effective for all types of anxiety.

I've found it to be the most effective single approach to anxiety.

And that's no exaggeration.

Tapping for anxiety is done just like any other issue, but let's break it down to help you determine where to place your focus so you can get started.

Based on the 5-Step model outlined above, the first step would be identifying the issue you want to work on.

This is where many people mess up...

Trying to work on "my anxiety" from the outset is too broad. You need to break it down into particular aspects.

Anxiety always has particular aspects that arise that may bother you - these could be physical, emotional, or mental.

If you go even deeper, anxiety often has an event (now a memory) that occurred in the past that is behind your particular anxiety or fear.

Rooting this out and working on it would allow much more profound (and permanent) healing.

Step 1 is to lay out the exact issue and then break that issue down into specific aspects.

If you can root out the core experience(s) from the past that have caused you anxiety and work on these events one at a time, you will see more significant progress.

However, if you are new to EFT, this can be difficult. Therefore, you can simply begin with a particular aspect that is presenting itself right now, starting with the most intense based on the 0-10 SUDS scale.

Often, when you begin working on an aspect, memories of past events will emerge. This is excellent; you want to work on the memories that arise, as they are often at the core of anxiety.

Tapping can also be used on present feelings and emotions that arise as well as to help calm yourself in the moment, such as "this nervousness," "this shaking," "these racing thoughts," etc.

EFT/Tapping can be highly effective, but tapping on surface-level issues will likely provide only temporary relief.

EFT's ultimate "work" and healing is getting to and working on these deeper emerging memories and emotions.

Once you have decided on an aspect you want to focus on, you can use the basic routine we went over above:

1.Identify the issue and a particular aspect to work on

2.Check the SUDS level (0-10)

3.State a Setup Statement

4.Use the Tapping Procedure

5.Reassess the SUDS & Test

Tapping on Anxiety - The Process in Action

So, let's walk through an example to better illustrate this process for using EFT/Tapping for anxiety.

Let's say you want to work on "my social anxiety."

As you should know by now, that is too broad, so let's find something more specific.

How about "my social anxiety whenever I go to the grocery store."

This is getting better...

Let me make a point that you may need to be made aware of.

Social anxiety isn't a specific issue or "disorder."

Your "anxiety" around social situations can drastically differ depending on the situation.

Your anxiety around going to a grocery store is most likely a lot different than your anxiety around going to a bar with your friends, going to the mall alone, etc.

These differing experiences are why you need to work on these situations and aspects individually.

Anyway, let's break down the grocery store situation even further.

What about going to the grocery store is anxiety-producing?

What specific situation bothers you?

What are your thoughts or fears?

What do you imagine happening?

What physical symptoms do you have?

Let's see if we can tease out three aspects

"When I'm at the checkout counter, I feel like everyone is judging me."

"My throat constricts before walking into the store."

I have the anxious thought, "I'm going to have to leave the store without being able to checkout."

Now, focus on one at a time and reflect on your earliest or most intense experience of each thought/fear.

Put yourself in the scene.

If this is a new issue and not something you have experienced in the past, bring the imagined scenario into your mind as vividly as possible.

Now rate each aspect on the level of intensity from 0-10 on how it affects you NOW in the present.

Begin working on the one with the highest intensity using the abovementioned process.

Once you bring this particular aspect down to 0, you can reassess the remaining aspects and work on the next highest intensity.

If earlier or more intense past events come into mind as you work, these are core issues you want to address.

Typically, the earlier or more intense the event, the greater the benefit of working on it.

Bonus Section: Using EFT for Additional Issues

In this article, I wanted to focus primarily on getting started with EFT and how to use EFT for anxiety.

Since EFT/Tapping is effective for so many different issues, I also wanted to briefly go over how to apply EFT/Tapping to a few additional matters that many people struggle with.

The three issues we discuss below can often accompany anxiety and are dealt with similarly to what we have already discussed.

One quick note, which I'll reiterate below: For severe OCD or Trauma, the help of a trained EFT professional, therapist, or an intensive treatment program is highly recommended.

EFT/Tapping for OCD

The traditional treatment for OCD is typically some form of Exposure and Response Prevention.

Exposure therapy is where the patient is exposed to some stimulus that creates a strong urge to perform whatever obsessive/compulsive action (ritual) they are working on.

For example, a person's compulsive behavior is washing their hands repeatedly, believing they are dirty; with Exposure and Response Prevention, they would expose themselves to something that makes them feel dirty or contaminated, such as rooting through a trash can, then work to prevent the compulsive response of washing your hands by not allowing themselves to follow through.

This treatment has worked for many people in the past but is often an extremely difficult and uncomfortable process.

With EFT, the treatment is to soften the compulsive urge by tapping on the impulse in the present moment and (more powerfully) uncovering core events from the past that likely instigated the compulsive behaviors in the first place.

OCD is very much a control issue. A person struggles to control an otherwise out-of-control situation or the "chaotic" world outside.

Repeating specific actions or behaviors is one way a person gains some semblance of control or organization.

Using EFT/Tapping for OCD is performed similarly to how you would use it for anxiety. Focus on the issue, break it down into specific aspects, and try to root out core events from the past that have caused the obsessive/compulsive behaviors or rituals.

As with anxiety, finding the core events isn't always easy, so if you are starting out, you can begin by tapping on the present urge.

A present urge, impulse, or compulsion could be the urge to wash your hands, check the locks, tie and untie your shoes, etc.

Tapping on obsessive/compulsive urges can help soften the urge and relieve the tension around it.

However, it is usually a temporary solution.

Getting to the core events, as I have mentioned over and over again in this article, is the key to more permanent changes.

For mild to moderate OCD, EFT/Tapping can help significantly, if done correctly and you continue to go deeper with the practice.

For moderate to severe OCD, I highly recommend seeing a professional or looking into an intensive treatment program. With severe OCD, medication can also be highly beneficial or even necessary.

Severe OCD can often be debilitating and difficult to treat.

As a fellow OCD sufferer, you do not have to deal with it alone.

There are great programs and organizations out there that can help.

If you suffer from moderate to severe OCD, check out the International OCD Foundation (IOCDF):

EFT/Tapping for Trauma

Nearly everyone will experience some form of trauma in their lives.

No one goes through life without facing at least some significant difficulty, loss, pain, or other experience that can be difficult to process and cope with.

When people think of trauma, they often think of extremes like war, rape, abuse, or other forms of violence.

While these experiences can indeed cause Trauma, trauma is essentially any adverse event where the energy of the situation is beyond what a person's internal resources can handle.

In many forms of therapy, traumatic events are often described in two different ways:

Little "t" traumas include many common experiences nearly all of us will face at some point in our lives: divorce or breakup, death of a loved one, loss of a job, financial difficulties, broken trust, etc.

Big "T" Traumas; are more severe Traumas like what we mentioned above; war, rape, abuse, incest, domestic violence, etc.

The truth is that your sensitivity and inner resources determine the level of the trauma more so than labels.

For one person, a divorce may very well be a big "T" trauma, while for another, it may not.

While losing a job may not be traumatic initially, if you go months without finding another job, your car gets repossessed, and you end up losing your house, it may become a traumatic experience.

Don't allow others to label trauma for you.

The process for working on trauma is similar to what we've been discussing so far. The goal with trauma is to focus/work on a traumatic event, particularly a traumatic memory, and determine the intensity of it now and then work until you bring that situation down to a zero.

For best results, you need to break the event down into particular aspects and work on the specific emotions surrounding that aspect, one at a time.

For example, suppose you were working on when your boyfriend/girlfriend left you for another person. In that case, the first emotion that comes up when you think about it may be anger.

So you could begin working on the anger around it.

As you work on the anger, other emotions may arise: sadness and loss, abandonment, betrayal, etc.

It's important to work on these emotions one at a time.

If you want to work on traumatic memories on your own, I sincerely recommend sticking to small "t" traumas.

Even though EFT tends to be one of the most gentle approaches to dealing with trauma, diving headfirst into big "T" Traumas like rape or years of abuse as a child without proper guidance can bring up more than you may be able to deal with.

This can end up having the reverse effect and make matters worse.

Even if the event was a long time ago or doesn't feel "too bad" in the present, it can be surprising how much unresolved shit we are holding onto and how truly intense it can be when it floods our awareness.

Just be smart and go slowly. If you're dealing with severe Trauma, reach out to a professional.

EFT/Tapping for Pain

Tapping for pain is not much different than tapping for anxiety or any other issue.

You may wonder if you need to uncover past events or specific aspects of the pain for it to work, and the answer is yes.

While pain can often seem entirely physical (i.e., without emotional or event-driven causes), there almost always is some stressor, emotional distress, or suppressed memory/emotion behind the pain.

An underlying emotional aspect to pain applies to nearly any type of pain you can think of, with the exception of pain caused by actual physical injury.

EFT operates under the tenet that unresolved emotional issues cause ALL physical and emotional problems (which include pain).

I also agree with this based on my own experiences and training.

So, to work on pain, you proceed in the same way that I outlined above for anxiety - identifying the issue and then breaking it down into specific aspects.

Again, if you can uncover the past events or emotions behind the pain, you can reach more significant and permanent results.

But as I mentioned, if you are new to EFT and can't pinpoint the events right away, begin by focusing on the pain in your present experience and then break it down into specifics.

Where is it located specifically?

What does it feel like?

What characteristics does it have?

Is it hot? Cold?

Is it sharp like a stab or dull like an ache?

Be as specific as possible.

For example, don't work on "my back pain," be specific, "this dull ache in the lower right side of my back," etc.

By being specific, you can determine if the pain has changed in any way after each round. People often notice that the pain will move or change in intensity. You must readjust and focus on the new experience for each round until it is gone.

Again, as you go through and continue working on the pain, past events (memories) or emotions may come to the surface - this is what you want to work on.

For actual physical pain caused by injury, you will focus on the pain.

Often, negative emotions can worsen the pain and keep a person from healing in a typical time frame.

By tapping on the pain or any negative emotions, you can not only reduce pain but assist your body in healing faster.

Final Thoughts

Before I sat down to work on this article, I asked myself:

"What would I want to know if I could only read one article on EFT/Tapping?"

Not just the superficial – tap here, then tap here – but how it works, why it works, and how to do it correctly for permanent results.

This article is the result.

Like a lot of the articles I write, it's a lot longer and more in-depth than I expected, but it serves to provide everything you need to know to get started with EFT for anxiety or any other issue you may have.

Hopefully, it will help you begin practicing EFT or try it and see actual results.

EFT/Tapping has helped me personally throughout the years, as well as millions of others around the world.

I hope it can do the same for you!

EFT Courses & Tutorials Mentioned in this Article

Gold Standard (Official) EFT Tutorial (

EFT Universe: The Tapping Course (

EFT Professional Skills 1: Professional Certification (

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